Selogriyo Temple

Selogriyo Temple

Selogriyo Temple is located on the slopes of Mount Sumbing, under Giyanti Hill and Condong Hill, precisely in Campurejo Hamlet, Kembang Kuning Village, Windusari District, Magelang Regency. We will find an exotic temple with a stretch of hills and rice fields that are extraordinarily beautiful. Selogriyo Temple, a temple built around the 8th century AD, and it is estimated that its construction was at the same time as Gedong Songo Temple and Dieng Temple. 

According to history, Selogriyo Temple was discovered by a Dutch citizen Van Erp in 1955-1957. The origin of the name Selogriyo Temple, in Javanese language "selo" means stone and "griyo" means house. Mythologically, Selogriyo Temple is a depiction of Mount Mahameru, the place where the Gods reside, where to guard this mountain, Lord Vishnu placed four gods on the sides of the temple.  The four Gods are depicted in the temple reliefs, namely the God Durga Mahesasuradhini on the north side, the God Ganesha is located in the niche on the west wall, the God Agatsya is in the niche on the south side and the God Nadiswara and Mahakala on the east side. Access to Selogriyo Temple is quite easy, along the way to Selogriyo Temple we will find a stretch of rice fields with a terraced pattern like the Subak in Bali which is so beautiful. Our eyes will be very satisfied with the view of the green rice fields and the beauty of the hill scenery.